Homoeopathy is an Individual Centric (not Symptom Centric) scientific system of medicine based on the modern principles of nanopharmacology.It treats the Individual (spirit, mind, and body) as a whole along with the disease symptoms. Homoeopathy heals the diseasein the shortest, gentlest, and most harmless ways based on the principle of Like Cures Like–

The person,as a WHOLE, FEELS BETTER (emotionally,mentally,physically) along with the freedom from the disease symptoms; not just merely removal or suppression of symptoms.

This treatment method is truly,
- HOLISTIC, as the person is RESTORED TO EASE and a STATE OF WELL BEING and is in a better space to live his day-to-day life with EASE, CLARITY, AND FREEDOM
- HARMLESS as the medicine works on the Vital energy of the person and HARMONIZES WITH THE ENERGY WITHIN to RESTORE HOMOEOSTASIS.
- with NO SIDE EFFECTS or untoward unexpected aggravation. It is a MYTH that homoeopathy treatment brings out old symptoms, which is in rare situations and makes way for deeper healing.
- GENTLE HEALING,no harsh measures, easily palatable medicines, and minimal dietary restrictions, while the patient continues their daily routine
- RAPID healing:the MYTH of homoeopathy being slow actingrings false; moreover, homoeopathic treatment can enable closure, as compared to other treatments that may recommend life-long medications in several chronic conditions.
- has a LONG-LASTING HEALING EFFECT with minimal relapse or recurrence.


- ACUTE (few-day-old fevers/infections/injuries) to CHRONIC (infections, allergies, autoimmune disorders).
- PAINFUL conditions like migraine or cervical spondylitis)
- TUMOURS benign and malignant
- PSYCHOSOMATIC DISORDERS (irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, etc)
- PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS such as depression and anxiety.


Everyone undergoes pleasant and unpleasant experiences in life.
Such experiences can cause maladaptive behaviours, limiting beliefs, or emotional issues.
Bach Flower essences can help in shedding such layers and realizing your true selves.
People with deep emotional issues such as anxiety, anger, fear, impatience, paranoia, envy, jealousy, aggression, mild depression or a lack of self-confidence can benefit from Bach remedies.
These remedies can also help people with eating disorders, stress, panic attacks, fatigue, insomnia or grief, by taking care of the emotional causes of their problems and restoring emotional wellbeing and spiritual harmony within and out.